Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Ways To Relieve Stress While In A Traffic Jam

Traffic congestion is a frequent source of stress, anger and anxiety — and the problem, like your car in a traffic jam, isn’t going anywhere soon. You can’t control the bottleneck around you, but you can manage your reaction to it. 

Kanner & Pintaluga

These effective tips shared by Kanner & Pintaluga Review help you stay calmer and more centred in the midst of a traffic jam.

Get a good night’s sleep:

Traffic is never fun, but it’s especially frustrating when you’re low on energy. Do your best to get lots of sleep and feel refreshed before you hit the road.

Time your commute carefully:

Head into work half an hour earlier and you may find that it saves you time and frustration on the road. Consider changing your working hours so you’re not expected to arrive during rush hour.

Try a different route:

Sick of the same old route to and from work day in and day out? Next time, consider the scenic route. Even if it takes a bit longer, you may enjoy it more and less likely to get in an accident as you sit in heavy traffic.

Accept the traffic conditions:

Understand going in each day that you’ll be in stop and go traffic and may encounter rude drivers. It’s just going to happen. Change your mindset and accept that commuting, while frustrating it is simply not going to magically change or get better tomorrow or the next day.

Practice safe defensive driving:

Driving aggressively is stressful. Take it easy, drive safely, and practice defensive driving techniques to make your commute easier, safer, and less frustrating.

Daily Commute games:

Track your daily commute times and make it into a game? You can track your commute performance each day by keeping score and see how long it usually takes you to get to and from work. You can even identify patterns such as school schedule delays or holiday traffic.

Play a Podcast:

Check out some podcasts that can educate you or make you laugh during your commute.

Learn a new language:

Learn a new language like Spanish, French, English, Mandarin, Italian, or Russian. It’s available for audio download, or videos on YouTube, or on podcasts where you can listen to in your car.